Date: July 1, 2011 - First Coupon Adventure
Well, I took a coupon class last Saturday and decided to try the Extreme Couponing aka Stockpiling. So I took my coupons, planned on three transactions. I came across my first snag, only 6 Gillette Body Washes and I was going for 12!
That messed my order of coupons up and flagged me at the register for questions.
Transaction 1:
4 packs of Luvs6 Gillette Bodywashes
Coupons: 4 $1off Luvs
3 BOGO Gillette Bodywashes
3 $2Off Gillette Bodywashes
The two coupons for the same product flagged me. I even did register scopeing, thinking picking the ditsy blonde would be a good choice. It was a bad choice.
"You can't use these two." - Girl
"Yes I can, I took a coupon class and I am buying one bodywash and that is the one I get $2 off." - Me
"There are coupon classes now?" -Girl
She had to call over her manager, but after arguing and it already going through, it worked.
Subtotal: $48.70
New Total after coupons: $28.29Transaction 2:
1 pack of Luvs10 Curad band aids
1 $1 off Luvs coupon
10 $.50 off Curad coupon
Subtotal: $16.57
Total: $10.57 after coupons
It was scary, but I made it through. This weekend I gotta see what my next target is!
July 2, 2011 - Second Coupon Adventure, not so extreme
I was a bit upset when I went to the Dollar General, my one coupon did not go through for the extra savings on a BOGO. Also the clerks jipped me 20 cents by putting in a coupon manually after I told them it should be $1.00. *Sigh*
After coupons it said $28.45 and stated I had a total savings of $21.41
At the Family Dollar I bought two all detergents with two $1 off coupons. Saved two bucks.
I went to Giant Eagle to do my WIC shopping. Per usual there was Catalina (register) coupon deals that did not print out. I complained that it does this every time. She went and told her manager and they said they would give me my coupons before i check out with my paid purchase.
They gave me cash instead of the Catalina coupons, $9!!
I bought baby food and baby snacks $38.93
With card perks + coupons $29.35
Gave her the cash so full total was $20.35!!
That's a 27% savings!!!!!!
All i can say is I LOVE COUPONS!!
Did i mention i have a Catalina coupon for $1off next trip? Yup. Awesome!
I went to CVS and they had no Always Infinity! So I got a rain check!! First one! I think i messed it up though. We will see when I go redeem it.
Went to Giant Eagle because i wanted the double coupons on my expiring coupons. I bought 11packs of Huggies wipes 865ct.
She asked me "Would you like your 2% food perks?" I never heard of that. She might as well asked me if i wanted Free Money! Of course I said yes!
Total $30.89
After my coupons and free money: $19.00
Granted for $1-2 more i could of got 1000 wipes generic at Walmart. But I'm not complaining about BRAND NAME for generic price. Getting better!
Went so smooth. Only interesting tidbit, she doubled non-doubling coupons!!! Score!
Total: $151.47
After coupons/perks: $79.17
47% savings
I feel I can do better :)
After coupons it said $28.45 and stated I had a total savings of $21.41
At the Family Dollar I bought two all detergents with two $1 off coupons. Saved two bucks.
July 6, 2011 - Third Coupon Adventure - I Love Coupons!
I went to Giant Eagle to do my WIC shopping. Per usual there was Catalina (register) coupon deals that did not print out. I complained that it does this every time. She went and told her manager and they said they would give me my coupons before i check out with my paid purchase.
They gave me cash instead of the Catalina coupons, $9!!
I bought baby food and baby snacks $38.93
With card perks + coupons $29.35
Gave her the cash so full total was $20.35!!
That's a 27% savings!!!!!!
All i can say is I LOVE COUPONS!!
Did i mention i have a Catalina coupon for $1off next trip? Yup. Awesome!
July 9, 2011 - Fourth Coupon Adventure
Went to Giant Eagle because i wanted the double coupons on my expiring coupons. I bought 11packs of Huggies wipes 865ct.
She asked me "Would you like your 2% food perks?" I never heard of that. She might as well asked me if i wanted Free Money! Of course I said yes!
Total $30.89
After my coupons and free money: $19.00
Granted for $1-2 more i could of got 1000 wipes generic at Walmart. But I'm not complaining about BRAND NAME for generic price. Getting better!
July 9, 2011 - First Grocery Coupon Adventure
Total: $151.47
After coupons/perks: $79.17
47% savings
I feel I can do better :)