
This is a How-To Guide on how do be an Extreme Couponer! If you want to pay for the class, go ahead. You usually get a free starter kit, but this is all I learned in class free of charge!

A binder or a zip up binder
Baseball card plastic sleeves

The zip up is the best, but I have yet to evolve to that.

That is the most important right? Only get coupons you are going to use! Don't be a hoarder with your stocking up, be sensible!

1. Sunday Paper
    A. Always make sure there are coupon inserts before purchasing. People are getting greedy and are stealing the inserts. This is illegal!
2. The Shoppers Guide (Bedford/Everett Area)
3. Printable Coupon Sites (listed on website!)
4. Purchase some off clipping services

Note: It is illegal to sell coupons! When you purchase them, you are buying the clipping service!

What I do, is scope out blogging sites to get previews of the Sunday paper coupons. I have yet to buy a paper, I use the Shoppers Guide, Clipping Services and Printable Coupons.


This is important. Only buy off your circular products you have chosen and your fresh fruit and vegatable produce, milk & bread.

Best Stores:

They do not double coupons, but accept them. Best place to go for your toiletries.
They double up to $.99. What does this mean?
Example: Say you have a 75 cent coupon, it will be $1.50 coupon instead. Crazy cool huh?

My teacher did not like Walmart, but I like them for some toiletries.

I do not have CVS, RiteAid, and Walgreens listed because I can not figure out how to shop there just yet. I'm still learning!

If you want to stock up on some non-perishable items, you can always go to scratch/dent stores like:

Little Barn in Bedford, PA
BB's in Newburg, PA

They don't accept coupons, but they are already dirt cheap.

Cashier Profiling:

Go for the teenage boy, mid-twenties girls or the very older ladies. They will not check your coupons and question everything!


Barcodes are important. The first few numbers are the most important. You can match them with products to make sure they will go through.


Pretend you have a $.50 off coupon off Gerber puffs snacks. You want the other snacks of Gerber instead. Look at the first 5 numbers in the barcode to see if they match the product. If they do, the coupon will work on the other snacks. See below!

5 73390 | 24033 7


1. Be calm
2. Be nice to the cashiers
3. If you have a BOGO coupon, you can use a $- off coupon too
4. If the sale is a BOGO item, use two $-off coupons
5. If it is a 2 for $- use two coupons
6. Do not dumpster dive for coupons, that is gross.

Now go coupon and save money!!